09 April 2008


Recap on Sunday' sermon. Forgive my "message" version of it:

Christ says "I am the bread of life, unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you can not enter the kingdom"

Many of his disciples, being offended by what seemed like cannibalism and totally out of line with OT teaching, left him. So Christ turns to the 12 remaining and asks "are you offended too?"

You have to know the personality of the elder who gave the sermon Sunday. He's kinda like Wendel Berry, as I am sure he would appreciate that comparison. In no way would he want to offend anyone sitting in the congregation-in fact, in praying prior to the message, he chose words that would make you think...........

Oh man, here it comes! Hell fire! This does not sound like Elder T!

But what a great presentation of truth. The leading question was.....what of Christ's words, what of his teachings are you offended by. Man, I really had to sit there and think.

Turn the other cheek......pardon my french, but that one really pisses me off God. While I may not look like it, I am the throw some punches kind of guy (note previous Fight Club spot). That offends me Christ!

But I have the same response that the 12 had when Christ asked them if they were offended........."to whom would we go?" I just need to accept it. He has the words of life. Truth is truth. There may be others I am offended by too, but that one really sticks in my craw and for now, that's the one I'm going to concentrate on.

Thanks Elder T. So, what offends you about Christ's teachings?


Elder T said...

I have shaken the hand of Wendell Berry. It's a lot softer than I thought that it should be. So are mine, I'm afraid.
Elder T.

hoosier reborn said...

what's the verse about setting your hands to the plow?

time to get back to the plow Elder T.

Berry-Goshen College, 2002(?). I was there....and we rode home with the intoxicating aroma of sweet annie in the back of a jeep.

Ode to a Truck

Wednesday, I took my travel companion on its last trip, from which it didn't come home with me. I took it for a drive the day before, to...