Any ideas what this big guy is?
I taught a 30 minute lesson in about 15 minutes in adult Sunday school.....about the attributes of God we recognize as a loving Father....and then how those attributes are an example for us guys to display with our kids. I checked one off this morning......"protector".
My daughter asked me what I wanted for Father's Day and I said "world peace". She said, "dadddd......it has to be something we can buy". Not sure I like that response. I got a best of John Denver cd, pickles, and a card with "world peace" drawn on it.
We did a short hike at Potato Creek then went to have supper with mom and dad. We picked up a pizza and while we waited for it to be done.....I shot a few pictures of the storm that rattled northern Indiana yesterday. My wife was insisting we get to cover, but I was enthralled by the circular motion of the tornado-colored cloud. I shot video-which if I could figure out how to load, I would. You would hear my wife in the background saying I think the pizza is done, we need to get outa here, while the radio is beeping with storm warnings.
I love watching storms roll in....must be a guy thing. I trust you all had as an eventful Father's Day as I did.
Wolf spider!
After a week from beyond the pits of eternal torment in which I dealt with a wet crawl space and poison ivy, on Father's Day I let the boys play Nintendo while I sliced my overgrown hedges back into submission. I cut them back a little bit too far; I guess I had some aggression to release.
Father's Day was uneventful as Grandma took the kids to Portland to watch their aunt perform in a show. The wife and I took in a movie before I had to report for work.
Storm watching/chasing is definitely one of the things I miss since moving out here. We rarely get a storm worthy of watching.
Hadn't heard from you in a while, I thought maybe the west coast dropped into the ocean. Hope things are well with you.
If I can get this video loaded I'll post my "chasing"....it's been processing for a lonnnnng time.
Things are good. T just graduated from high school on the 6th and G started summer break last Friday. I have pulled a few extra shifts the last few weeks as everyone is in vacation mode now that it is summer. We are heading to Boise after the 5th for a soccer tournament that T is playing in.
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