I've heard people refer to "life verses". Like famous folks who are interviewed say they have a life verse, or blogs I read post a life verse. So, I figure I can have a life verse. There are a few verses I find myself reflecting on a great deal. Psalms 1:1 is one. But I have to say the verse that I come back to time and time again is Micah 6:8. And it is the verse I try to live by........so, I guess it is my life verse. I've even thought about changing my name to Micah.
So, without further adieu, Hoosier Reborn's life verse,
Micah 6:8:
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
I went looking for pics of justice, mercy and humility. And when I searched "justice" pictures of the Justice League came up. You remember....Saturday morning cartoons? So, what would God's Hall of Justice look like? Justice Man, Man of Mercy, Humility Hulk? I imagine Humility Hulk having supernatural powers to overcome his enemies with sheer humility. "Oh no! Humility Hulk has bowed his knees! There's no stopping him now!" "Villains unite! Man of Mercy is feeding the hungry! He'll have an army soon!"
Guess what? We're in God's Justice League. We can be the superheroes on earth. Which reminds me of my youthful imagination when I called myself the "Tomahawk Kid", I had a t-shirt and special utility belt.....and cowboy boots. Seriously.
I'm way off track. The life verse.........I'll break the verse down into three parts and post on each of the superhero strengths God has given to each of us. But first, the preface, the introduction of the verse. It begins with "He has showed you....what is good". This sets the rules to the game; we have no excuses; we know the rules because God has shown us what is good and we know that we are required to do good. What follows is what is expected of man.
Coming soon...........Justice Man.
What I wouldn't give to obtain a picture of the "Tomahawk Kid"
This would have been about 2nd grade.....I think I might have a picture of me in the boots-but not the t-shirt and belt...hey, it was top secret!
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