We got outa Dodge last Friday with some friends and headed to a cottage in South Haven, MI for the weekend. The weather cooperated, the cottage was sweet, the friends were tolerable (except a short dialogue about Mitch), the food was good and the photo opportunities were great. I enjoy being on the lake-although the walk to the lighthouse was a bit nippy. I spent a lot of time at Warren Dunes and Silver Beach at St. Joe during my college years-great places. I had a bad experience at Indiana Dunes, but am willing to try it again.
THE highlight was attending a small box style theater Saturday night featuring a celtic music band called "fonn mor". I love celtic music and this was some of the best I have heard. Their by-line is "21st Century sounds from the Celtic traditions". They had a woman drummer/percussionist that easily is the hardest working drummer I have ever seen. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves......to the extent of cutting the rug with jigs from a few reels.
I also thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with an old guy sitting in front of us. He turned around and asked if we like folk music. Yes, I said....then told me he bought a guitar for $75 30 years ago and that folk music tells a story, not like that love music today....hee hee hee. We talked a little while longer and he said, I bought a guitar for $75 30 years ago and folk music tells a story, not like that love music today....hee hee hee. He mentioned this at least four more times while we were talking. I just smiled and laughed with him.
I'm not sure why it is we can't have this kind of cultural outlet in river city. There's a pony-tailed hippie type guy who has been wishing for a box theater for these venues for a long time. Maybe I'll join forces with him. We need a Center for the Arts.......desperately.
And I'm just joking about the friends being "tolerable". They were great. And I'm bringing Fonn Mor to town for a big birthday bash.
this will seem like a jab but please take this in the spirit that it is intended. So, you would like a Center for the Arts and a small box theater?? When was the last time you supported the local Arts Group..Encore Performing Arts??? A very small dedicated group of people try to bring performers to River City but I never see you there? You see River City can draw thousands to see boys play class basketball but can only draw 250 to an International class performance of a Fischoff String Competition Winner. Then there is the case of the Harlem Boys Choir, another national treasure but "biggotted" River City could only produce a tiny croud of less than 200.....River City is becoming a backwater!!!!
unfair! let it be known that I have gone to more musical or theater productions than basketball games in river city!
we need a small venue for performances-not the highschool or the amp. something small and cozy for less expensive bands.
we also need a permanent gallery for art-we've made strides, but something that is more open to the general public and not a club.
to become backwater assumes that we once were not.
Ok, let me share some vital stats with you. ONLY one Doctor and his or her spouse is a member of Encore. Sorry it is not your weekend company@! Only One Chamber of Commerce Director is a member of Encore. No City Councilmen are memember of Encore.....why don't all you good republicans put up or shut up! You WANT but you dont support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cough up$100 and buy a memberhip!!!!!!!!! You have got my blood boiling!!!!
first of all, surely you're not lumping me into the "good republicans" group.....I doubt any of my friends would fit that description.
second, I'm talking about a casual atmosphere place, a small venue like a coffee shop or decent bar where we can have this. if encore decided to try to create this kind of a venue I'd be all over it!
:) :) I have had my rant and now I have calmed down....think about what I said about the need for people to buy memberships! Ticket sales won't float the boat advanced membership and support is what makes it possible to bring events to town!!
has encore ever sent out a questionairre with what would entice folks? have they tried to join forces with a coffee shop or other restaurants, or the art gallery?
just wondering outloud
Encore at one time partnered with the Heartland artists but the "artists" were frankly terrible at staffing their own "gallery" So Encore set sail for the Life Enrichment Center. I think you will find that the new Heartland Artists Gallery doesn't have viewer friendly hours to this day? Encore was orginally called the Plymouth Arts Commission and was founded with the support financial support of Mayor Chuck Glaub.....with the exception of Jim Yeazel we have had a succession of dullard mayors who supported the arts less and less. Thus the group has expanded it reach to the entire county but thanks to the small town pigheadedness it is difficult to get cooperation! You have to understand that your Man Mitch is not friendly to the ARTS in Indiana either which makes bringing a tiny slice of culture to River City even more difficult!
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