Micah 6:8
Here's my last superhero character. Unfortunately my compliance with God's command has often come unwillingly; a humility that was forced upon me. I'm learning though. Pride is that one awful ugly that creeps up its head far too often for me. Probably because I'm a know-it-all or have had my pride hurt far too often and in public settings, or because I see others take recognition for my thoughts and work...it's difficult to let humility win.
But, I also have seen the tremendous things that God has done for me or through me, and honestly, it's a great source of humility knowing these have happened not due to my hand. And I need to reflect those to God. This is part of walking humbly.
There is a certain ability to walk tall and remain humble. For a brief period I think I had found that. Lately as cynicism has crept in........I find myself shooting off my mouth as a matter of pride. I promise to work on that.......God knows I don't need another serving of humble pie, or maybe he knows I do. But I'd rather pass and practice humility.
I thought of a great humility story about former Governor Doc Bowen. A buddy and I were visiting him in Washington while he was Secretary of Health and Human Services. His personal secretary relayed her frustration with him because he would sneak out his private office door and make his own photocopies.........she said he used to go through the front offices and ask if anyone else needed anything copied while he was out until they insisted he be waited on.
1 comment:
I am finding in my middle age that when I find myself out of step with God, such as by spouting off out of cynicism, that "working on it" never works well or for long.
I have taken to asking God every day to show me why I do it. I have found that sometimes the problem gets worse for a little while and I start to see my own heart. Then bit by bit the problem begins to dry up.
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