So I relented, and he put on the boxing selection and I couldn't believe a grown man was acting this out like he was. Then it was my turn...........oh my word! What a work-out! That boxing was awesome!........I found myself dancing around like Sugar Ray, quoting the great Ali-floatin' like a butterfly, stingin' like a bee! Sidenote: I met Ali once, he did magic tricks for some college buddies and I in McDonalds in Berrien Springs, Michigan....no lie.
I'm ready for round two.
AH the Berrien Springs McDonalds! The only one in the world with Grilled Cheese Sandwiches on the Menu because Seventh Day Adventist are vegetarians! Thank You Andrews University! Also home to Apple Valley Market the grocery store with no meat counter! Hey by the way HR did you live on campus or in one of the many basements in the Springs that have been converted into apartments? another oddity about the Springs!
In half a house, converted to apartments with a broken furnace and a garage that was turned into a third apartment. Kinda like river city!
My parents and I bought my sons a Wii a couple months ago. It is a lot of fun. That doesn't mean I'm going to suddenly become a gamer, though, to my kids' disappointment.
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