Well, this weekend Fall will officially arrive. This time of the year is by far my favorite. And Indiana is spectacular when aglow in autumn splendor. Drive down a country road this fall, wherever you are...........stop, get out of your car and breath in deeply. Man, there is nothing like it. Now, be certain you aren't too close to a hog farm, but, hey, whatever trips your trigger.
Favorite time of the day in the fall is just before dusk........when the temperature has dropped and you feel the crispness of the air, but catch the full radiance of the sun landing on each painted leaf and fields of the ripened harvest. No better time in Indiana than this.
Hey how about telling us where that photo was taken? I took a drive yesterday afternoon, down some county roads that I actually think I have never been on. The soy beans and corn are coming out of the fields at full speed now. It won't be long and the bird migration will be in full force....to see falls full majesty in Indiana go to Jasper Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Reserve and witness the evening return of the Sand Hill cranes. One of the most moving natural experiences possible in my book!
The photo was taken at Brown County State Park, behind the Abe Martin lodge. It's some of the WPA work done there. I've never been to Jasper/Pulaski, will have to go!
Hoosier Reborn
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