25 February 2008

the Clearing

Remember that sweet little cabin on the fishing lake I wrote about not that long ago? I'd been inspired to take a "personal spiritual retreat" a few months ago and did so over the weekend. Just some down time to clear the head and think about the road ahead.

So, I got a cabin at Whitewater Memorial State Park by Richmond. I don't believe anyone else was there this past weekend. It was perfect......secluded, quiet and was a beautiful setting-just at the top of a wooded bluff overlooking the lake. I took a buddy with me, who also needed some time to put things in perspective, and the camaraderie was needed to break up the perfect silence after 30 hours or so.

To say I had an eventful last 12-18 months is an understatement. I've never done this retreat thing before, so I figured why not-there's a lot to think about. Being the type of guy I am-I was well prepared. I had been focusing on thought-provoking questions over the last several weeks and had planned out a schedule and some expectations. I had a few pertinent questions I had thought would have answers "revealed" to me for some decisions that will need to be made for the future.

But, by the end of the weekend........I really didn't have any revelation to clear the path for the future ahead. Instead, I realized that for once in my life.........I'm talking about the very first time in my life since college..........God led me into a clearing. I know the path continues on and He and I will be deep in the woods again soon, but for right now I think He's saying just stop and enjoy the view. It's a heck of a gift to be given and I'd be a dang fool to pass this up. I think there's a passage somewhere about not being anxious for tomorrow...it will take care of itself.

So.....friends and family out there.......you guys are on my "to do list" this year. My tag line for the year ahead, "Breathe Deep - 2008".


Anonymous said...

Well I am going out on a limb here. May I suggest that you sir have been in that clearing for sometime and that some of those things that you have experienced this past year were because you are standing in a good place! The evil and wrong around you, challenged your standing in that clearing and despite what you see as defeat was a strengthening of your footing in that clearing! I may be completely wrong ?

Anonymous said...

Where were you 2 years ago, sir?

Just kidding. These experiences DO make us better-they can be painful-but what is on the other side, or in "the clearing" is so much better.


Anonymous said...

A clearing is a great place to be. Enjoy it, savor it, drink it up, and let it refresh you as you set your sights on the next path. Isn't that the real question that one has to ask himself in a clearing deep in the woods...as you peer into the hazy border of the forest beyond the clearing...in which direction do I take my next step? Or do I sit here and take in the clearing and perhaps sit her a while? Dear friend, I say sit here a while.

Ode to a Truck

Wednesday, I took my travel companion on its last trip, from which it didn't come home with me. I took it for a drive the day before, to...