Who do these guys think they are? I guess when you boil it down, the same thing happened locally. A couple of fat cats, albeit local fat cats, threw their money at an election and got their way. I've decided to ban Meijer at our house now.......maybe I should hold the same standard with our local corporateers controlling my representational government!
What am I saying...........here in Indiana we throw our arms open to it. It is representational.
oh oh!! you are treading water in the deep end here. How dare you challenge the "Haves" ability to throw money at officials! The real "brains" of Marshall County were at last nights "bull session" with the reps and senators ......Those of us who are educated and have a conscience need to wake up before we let the "inmates take complete control of the assylum" I come from the minority but you fellows who call yourselves republican and let these goof balls go unchallenged need to step up!
hey, I stepped up and look where that got me! Escorted right out the party door!
My only hope is that the average well meaning republican wakes up and realizes what is going on, here in our county, state and country. But, that requires too much thinking.
Hoosier Reborn
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