My friends and I had this past time in highschool-being that there's not much to do for country kids-it was certainly illegal, but we were never destructive. We called it "spookin'". All you needed was a truck, a creepy abandoned house or school, and a little bit of courage. We would identify creepy old places in the country and take tours of them late at night. Probably a stupid thing to do, but it was how we passed time on Friday nights.
Our favorite place was this giant, leaning victorian house that was once connected to a brewery. Left furnished, with pictures still on the walls and books on shelves.........we made up terrific stories about what must have happened to the owners and why it was left to rot. Unfortunately, the old place is gone now. Still, great memories.
And no, before you ask, I wouldn't want my kids doing this.
Spookin'.......almost forgot all about that.
great fun! Do you remember the one where the animal sacrifices supposedly happened? you were in on that one, and Mindy?
Hoosier Reborn
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