06 February 2009

by Your side

If you've noticed, it's been really difficult to get time to blog. It's not that I'm not inspired...every time I watch the evening news I think...wow! what a great post that would make. But, frankly, I've been too busy, with uh...work! And it just seems that when I get a break from this desktop, looking at a computer screen is the last thing I want to do.

I've been too busy. Whoa, wait a minute, what am I saying? Too busy?

God does some pretty ridiculous, outstandingly awesome things. When I left my job last summer and didn't know what I would be doing, God already knew.

When I read that book and it compared an elephant in chains to me and asked "what are the chains in your life?" And I said, my job, BUT......God was preparing me to trust Him.

As I sat on our porch swing a week after I quit my job and wrote out a business plan to bring in work that I would desperately need......I think God was laughing Himself right off the throne.

As of the first week of February, right now, I am already contracted in 2009 for well more than half of my salary from my previous job. I have rough proposals out right now, already, for the other half.

Is this not crazy? We have congregational scripture memorization and this month's verse is Jeremiah 29:11:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I predicted, right here on Hoosier Happenings, the week I made the big announcement that I would be venturing out on my own (which frankly, I was really clueless as to if that was the path I would be on) that God was probably sitting up there smiling at my enthusiasm over putting on 20+ pounds of muscle saying, "oh yeah, just watch what I'm going to do next"

I haven't had time to put that business plan into action....I have a website that isn't finished either. I'm not one for trusting much. I tend to believe enough in myself to make things happen-I'm a do'er. But this experience has really gotten my attention because it is NOTHING of my own doing.....it's been all God, by my side. And I don't hesitate a moment to give credit where credit it due. "In this economy?" people ask. Yeah, I know! What's up with that?

This blog is really about getting rambling thoughts out of my head and practice to hone my writing skills.....so I don't typically get preachy (do I?), but let me just say I don't know what may be going on in your life right now......it may be difficulties, you may be at a point where you've got nothing else to do but trust, but I would encourage you to read the verse above again, and if you claim God as your Father......believe it, really believe it. It may be time for you to step out. He is by your side too.

I'm God's poster child for Jeremiah 29:11. Funny how everything surrounding my ouster from politics and conditions at work were created by those who meant to do me harm, but oh MY GOD (used in reverence) am I so much more prosperous, happy and looking at a pretty bright future. God's out in front and as jobs keep stringing in each week, I'm learning that I'm just along for the ride. And can trust Him for bigger, crazier things now too!

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