First, some background.
I had worked for about 18 months in preparing a mayoral run for our town. I worked within the GOP system as much as possible, but understood that many times I would offend the party bosses or other GOP elected officials, particularly in the county, by questioning their decisions or coming across too ethical or strong. But I was being led to believe the city party bosses still supported me. I was wrong. And found out when they tapped a member of my "team" to run for mayor and pulled the rug out from under me. It wasn't about what he could do for the city-it was about how they could control him and knew they couldn't control me. They further exerted their control in organizing my demise in the spring primary for council. And just to show how unwelcome I am in the party.....the city chair hasn't spoken to me since the primary, whereas before it was more than weekly. And wow, the hatred that was felt during the primary returns. One wife of a GOP candidate followed my wife and kids out into the foyer of the building we were in, after I lost, and glared intently at her. This woman has cancer........but it is her hatred that is killing her.
I guess this is politics, down and dirty, the nature of the game. In our community, though, it has reached epic proportions. Anonymous newsletters attacking city officials, bias seen in the media and well-timed "problems" arising at public meetings. There is a small group orchestrating this. It is a group of men who have such a hatred for "their man's" opponent that it no longer matters what is best for our community. Unfortunately our community is the last vestige, the last hold-out from their control. The county succumbed some years ago with their control of the majority of commissioners, who play as their pawns in attacking the city. The whole thing has become sick and twisted and the people of the community are suffering for it.
Being on the inside, briefly, I have witnessed the seething hatred because they cannot have influence or control. Most of these guys do not live in town, so voting is not an option. I believe it is tearing our community, even the whole county community, apart. The average person does not see this-if they did, we probably wouldn't be so daggone Republican here. By the way, it has nothing to do with GOP values.
The power grab has to stop and voting proves to be ineffective in solving this larger, behind the scenes issue. So I only know to say, when you pray, pray that the hearts of these men change or that God exposes or removes them fully from influencing the process. Their actions are causing intense strife in the community-with the media, unfortunately, being willing participants.
I pray and ask for forgiveness for my own participation in this.
It's time to pray for transformation.
1 comment:
I am glad that you got to witness the sandhill cranes at JP! When I first started going over there each fall there was a very small parking lot and it was kind of an unknown event. As you can see it has grown much more popular! I am not certain that all Indiana people are less appreciative of the world around them, I do think that they collectively believe it is someones elses responsibility to preserve it, and not the citizens duty. There is a state on the other side of the Mississippi River that has a special tax to pay for conservation. They have been purchasing new lands for protection while Indiana can barely afford to maintain what it has in inventory now. Unless we see some kind of special committment from Hoosiers to support our parks and natural areas I can foresee that day when our parks will be owned and operated by some "foreign corporation". Over 70% of the people in that other state voted to continue the collection of a special conservation sales tax because they see the value in conservation! Once again Hoosiers are not out in front like they believe they are!
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