The Cleveland House (on left above) was constructed in the Craftsman style applied to an American Four-Square plan in about 1915. Charles and Mary Lamson Cleveland came to Plymouth with their only child, Arnott, in 1891. They previously had lived at Edgerton, Ohio. Cleveland founded the Edgerton Manufacturing Company in Plymouth in 1891. The company became the largest producer of basket and fruit packaging products in the United States. Cleveland was elected mayor of Plymouth in 1910 at which time he turned over control of the company to his son. By 1920 Charles returned as an assistant manager of the factory. Mary continued to live at the residence after her husband’s death into the 1930s.
The Miller House (on right above) was constructed in 1911 in the Free Classic style. William Foker, renowned stone mason from Argos, was responsible for the porch and foundation. Welcome J. and Clara Heyde Miller had this home constructed for them in 1911. They lived here with their daughter, Virginia, who was born in 1909. Welcome was a piano tuner and salesman in the county. He was tragically killed at a railroad crossing in Plymouth in 1942. Clara continued to live at the home into the 1950s.
The Cullison House was designed in a unique Plymouth blend of the Free-Classic and Craftsman styles. The home was constructed for the Frank and Eveline Cullison family in about 1908. The Cullisons moved to Plymouth from a nearby farm in 1900 to begin a business in the manufacturing of wagon wheels. The business evolved to the manufacturing of buggies at which time it became known as the Plymouth Wagon Works, located on East LaPorte Street in the downtown. The business continued to grow and became known as the Plymouth Body Works which manufactured truck bodies used throughout the United States. The Cullisons raised three sons at the home: Darrel, Floyd, and Oscar. In 1930 they moved to a cottage at Pretty Lake and shortly after the business failed during the Great Depression.
You really ought to compile these into a book. If you self-publish, I'll bet you could sell within Plymouth and at least break even. And then there would be a permanent record of your research.
Thanks Jim. I do have it in a compiled document that I will archive with the historical society-but maybe it would make for good small doses.
A great tour down Main Street and into the Past!
The Cleveland House was a dress shop around 1960.
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