A way out in the country, down a secluded gravel road lies a small cemetery perched on a knoll, around which the road makes four severe turns as it passes around the cemetery. The small cemetery is known as "Little Egypt" and has been known as this since my grandparent's day. So legendary is it that a local television station once ran a segment on it.
There is much local lore to Little Egypt. Ask any teenager today and you will get the same story that has been passed down from generation to generation. Little Egypt becomes a popular place this time of year......with the purported hauntings and sightings one would encounter particularly at Halloween.
As a teenager, some friends and I had to put this legend to the test. It was a warm Halloween night back in 1986....I remember a moist wind blowing around the few leaves left on the trees that were at the corner of the cemetery. Legend has it that as you enter the swampy woods through which the gravel lane passes on your way to Little Egypt, the knoll you can see in the distance, a young man as white as a ghost will dart out in front of your car.......with no time to stop you hit the apparition, only to learn that nothing is there. Terrified you continue down the gravel road, now coming out of the woods, moonlight beaming down on the slight rise in front of you that leads to the knoll on which Little Egypt was established.
The crunch of the gravel beneath the tires makes your heart beat a little faster as you begin to wind around the cemetery, nearly at a dead stop in the turns. Suddenly figures appear to be climbing and hanging from the old trees in the corner of the cemetery......you speed up, leaving a trail of dust as you look out the rear view mirror at tombstones reflecting the moonlight. Then you enter another woods......this time the apparition appears again, standing along the road, staring at you, and covered with blood. You emerge from the woods again and come to stop on a small bridge over a winding creek. Legend has it if you turn off your car and whisper "hamburger, hamburger, hamburger" the car will fail to start again. Just as you move beyond the bridge, suddenly lights appear to mysteriously turn on in the old brick church ahead of you....and then just as suddenly, go out!
Unfortunately, none of this happened to us in 1986. Friends would later reason that it was because my ancestors started the cemetery, back in 1861, and they were somehow protecting us. We did make a return trip a few years later (remember PNW Hoosier?) only to find ourselves being chased away by a pair of headlights.....talk about heart-thumping!
Every community has these legends or local lore........what is yours?
Happy Halloween!
When we lived in Greencastle, there was reportedly a Goatman that would appear on some back road. He'd jump in front of your car and then dart back into the woods. Apparently he had the head of a goat, but a man's body.
My senior year, this tale got out of control as kids starting parking on the road with their shotguns, waiting for the goatman to appear. Even a TV station in Indy ran a story.
I don't know if the Goatman still exists or if once he saw the shotguns he decided to find a new home.
the Francisville Light....!!!!
Goatman!!!! I was thinking what a great prank to dress up like the guy and scare kids until you mentioned shotguns.
The Francisville light-yes! I've heard of this one!
Yes, I remember.
Yes the goatman still exists and is a part of our family (a cousin)!
The goat man is in fact real. But it was a person who put on a goat head to scare people. His name is chuck and his family and friends calls him boogie. He is my cousin lol. He is very much so alive and is currently living with his dad also named chuck just outside Putnam county. He is actually a really great nice guy. Very very smart. His IQ is borderline genius. My name is Justin Rumley. For those of you who knows chuck. Ask him. He might claim me lol.
Dog Face Bridge, San Pierre Indiana, or some say North Judson. My Fraternity brother did a big paranormal study there after I took him to it during the daytime and we had an encounter mid day that was not of this earth. He had a night encounter and has video footage. Drained him so bad he couldn't lift arms barely he was so weak but couldn't sleep for 3 days. He says and I quote "I'm 90% sure its one of the 9 gates of HELL ON EARTH". He's never been back
I grew up very near Little Egypt Cemetery in Bremen. My friends and I would ride our bikes through the sharp curves on our way to Lake of The Wood's to fish. We never experienced anything weird except for an uneasiness as we past through.
Seemed like every hayride back then (and probably still) had to go past little Egypt. And every guy would try to scare his girl there...
I know North Judson. As a sensitive. I know the truth of what happened there. My friend and I saw it late one night driving up on the old homestead. What happened to your friend was terror, not demonic. The secret of the lake and family is real and they relive it constantly.
Little Egypt is outside of Bremen Indiana. And rumor has it there's a child tombstone in the middle of the cemetery if you put a coin on it heads up you won't be able to pick the coin back up.
As a teen I remember going to Little Egypt it was scary just because it was a cemetery out in the middle of nowhere.
It was very eerie, but I don't remember anything ever happening other than scaring ourselves.
Now the Franceville lights a bunch of us went back in the middle 80's and we did see the light, whatever it was. That was really cool!
I have gone out to little Egypt numerous times and as for the woods I never saw any woods it was all corn fields but we did get chased out by a black vehicle either a van or SUV at least 2 times one time the SUV/van came at us and caught right up to us nose to nose as I was driving backward but never passed us just faded back and one other time we decided to not turn around at the spot we called the chicken out spot and turned and right then this big black dog jumped from the corn field and hit the driver's window then the back fender man the things we do for girls lol
In the early'90s we would go out to little Egypt to park and see if we could see ghosts or spirits. All we ever seen was, once we seen chicken bones tied from strings on tree branches, we seen a group of people dressed as KKK, crossing the stream holding a big cross and walk into the feild.
But other than that...it wasn't scary to me, my girlfriends were scared. Lol.
I too lived close to "Little Egypt". Was back in 1986, would go there all the time late at night just hoping to catch a glimps of something eerie. Nothing ever happened tho. The old tale said that if you put a coin on the baby's headstone you could hear baby cries...tried it and it never happened.
You could definitely feel a presence of something and it made you feel very uneasy but not positive if it was real or just something your unconscious was creating. Either way it was a great experience and something I will always carry with me as I grow old.
Wasn't there supposed to be a troll on the bridge?
I use to live almost across from Little Egypt several years ago. Saw many people playing chicken at night on the cross road, but nothing went on at the actual cemetery. I would freak MYSELF out at times going there though lol. There is now a fence around the headstones now because people wouldnt leave them alone.
My mother and step dad live a couple miles from little Egypt. They live on 331 right between bourbon and Bremen. They used to own deer, but have sold all but 2 if them and raise cows now. I grew up there and went to Triton. We would all go down there in the late 90s and early 2000s. Never had anything happen but it's still a creepy place! Adds more of a mystique now that that teenage girl was murdered out there a couple years back.
Yes. I almost Said that but saw no one else said anything so wasn't sure if they'd heard that!
We went there recently and used an evp app on the phone and heard a baby crying. And spoke to something saying these words: Samantha,Van,foliage, Bailey................ We got these readings from the back of the cemetary where there was a quarter nickle and a dime laying. Can someone else do an evp reading and post?
I grew up in the 1960s 1/2 mile from there, and never did see a ghost. However, many citizens were fathered there!
Why is it called "Little Egypt"?
To my knowledge that remains a mystery-and I know a few folks who have spent time looking into it. Does anyone know?
Little Egypt cemetery was always a peaceful place out in the country when I grew up not far from there in the 50's, 60's and part of 70's. I don't recall any stories of haunting....
Use to live on filbert rd when I was 10 in the late 60s early 70s. My older sister could drive and scare the crap out of me when we drove by there in her willies keeps her. There was an abandoned 2 story house near by in an empty field back then, just as scary. Great times back then.
Why is it named Little Egypt?
Little Egypt is a Town that suffered the same fate as BLACK WALL STREET Tulsa OKLAHOMA. May 31, 1921- June 1,1921
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