24 August 2011

Why Jesus is the Answer...to Perry

You know me. I purposefully avoid politics as much as possible, but I do "enjoy" watching politics play out on the national scene particularly with a presidential election looming next year. But I will be honest...you could have asked me who Rick Perry was several weeks ago and I would have said "dunno". Maybe that is how people view Mitch outside of Hoosierdom.

But then came his announcement calling for a day of prayer in the Lone Star state and soon the hype on Perry escalated to a fervor in anticipation of his declaring a run for president. People were comparing him to Reagan and questioned if this day of prayer could distance him from the center of the GOP. Calling for the abolishment of the Department of Education, you would think, would push him even farther from center.

But I think people forget what race Perry is trying to win. Not only do you need to look far to the right, you better have some extreme ideas in this political climate. Perry is playing to the Tea Party and Evangelicals. Frankly, he could win with one or the other's support, but since there is no one in the Republican field courting evangelicals-I could go out on a limb here and say he may well have the nomination wrapped up. Perry will appear left of Bachman, assuming her shooting star hasn't fizzled by the end of the year, but still far right to gain Tea Party supporters that may come to realize Bachman is terribly unqualified.

People on the left are afraid of Perry. Maybe legitimately so, I don't know. The thing that makes me want to puke (yes, I'm using that strong of a word) concerning Perry is his political strategy. I think we are used to politicians invoking the name of God to score political points, but c'mon, seriously, Perry calls for a day of prayer one week prior to his big announcement? When asked what he would be asking prayer for he said economic prosperity. What? Where is that in the Bible, or is Perry a believer in the prosperity doctrine? And why wait until this stage of the game to ask for a day of prayer (obvious answer), why not 2008?

I feel so strongly that the church, and particularly Evangelicals, need to extract themselves not just from the GOP, but politics in general, if they ever hope to be the salt and light God called them to be. Christians falling victim to wolves in sheep's clothing, like Governor Perry, is proof of the warning in Scripture that God's children will be led away from the truth of God. The Church in America is at deadly tipping point and I believe that Christ has been calling for His bride to stop playing the whore to politics. If you're reading this and you are incensed, good. Spend some time reading through the Bible and let me know what from Christ's sermon on the mount runs parallel to Republican party politics. We've sold out to it and it is an anti-Christ-model agenda. What concerns me most is that it may take the nation's full embrace, and subsequent failure, of this agenda before the church can truly be broken.


lynn said...

I really don't think Perry will get the nomination, so I am not too worried. I really think you are lumping all evangelicals together, unfairly. (What do you call yourself?) You should read some of the stuff Michelle Malkin (a conservative and a Christian, and I believe, a Tea Partier) has to say about Perry. Not every one is sold. Not every evangelical is blissfully ignorant and ready to blindly follow anyone who mentions the word "prayer." But thanks for your thoughts.

hoosier reborn said...


Whether or not we want to be lumped in with all Evangelicals, we, as the Church, have to take responsibility for our image (read "Unchristian"). I'd prefer not to be called an Evangelical because of the baggage it brings. BUT, it's how I was raised and it's what the sign says in front of my church, so...there you have it. I would hope that calling myself a Christ-follower would be more evident in my life than the image of a threatening Evangelical.

I took the time to go on Malkin's webpage and read several articles including some about Perry. She doesn't exactly exude Christianity. Hence, our image problem.

Anonymous said...

may I suggest that you do a brainy quote search for Harry Trumans quote about the Sermon on the Mount

Malerie said...

Hi Hoosier R. - First of all, thanks so much for commenting on my Route 6 blog. It led me to your very insightful political post. As a Jewish gal from the "Elitist" East Coast, I take offense at the direction fringe politics is taking - particularly the notion that this is a "Christian Nation." The many Jews, Muslims, Hindus and others (all US Citizens) who live in my hometown would beg to differ. I think our founding fathers would be rolling in their graves to see the religious fervor attributed to them by this crop of candidates. Like you, I find the intrusion of religion into politics at the very least distasteful, and in my eyes, anyway, dangerous. You seem like most of my Christian friends who don't proselytize, but go about their lives "doing unto others....." and living by example. For any religion, that's the best way to go.

hoosier reborn said...

Thanks Malerie, I've enjoyed your Route 6 blog too.

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