29 June 2009
HR on R&R
It is very possible that we'll be home much sooner since we've been told that we will be asked to leave Turkey Run's premises at midnight tomorrow night if the state doesn't pass a new budget. Wow. If that happens......watch out!
23 June 2009
a little off the top

Whenever I went to get my haircut, which was straight until I was about 14, Don would have this worn old piece of wood that he would straddle the arms of the chair with so that I could sit on it....I don't ever remember going anywhere else, so I probably started at around 4? I'd get a sucker too, if I was good. But it seemed that hair clippings would too often stick to it.
22 June 2009
hung out to dry

20 June 2009
a battle to fight, a beauty to protect

18 June 2009
those? those are soybeans.
I've been crazy busy and the prospect of losing a day in the middle of the week damaged the possibility of meeting a self-imposed deadline for a project at the end of June. Almost a year ago I was asked to be a guide for a bus tour on the Dixie Highway between South Bend and Indianapolis-seemed doable then. I am more familiar with this route being the Michigan Road, but hey, when in Rome....
our starting point north of the St. Joseph County Courthouse
South Bend and the Indiana Lincoln Highway Association were host to the National Conference of the LH Association. They wanted to highlight the founder of the road, Carl Fisher, by taking attendees to Indianapolis to the German Club (Rathskeller) for lunch at the place where the idea of a coast to coast highway was birthed. And why not travel the Dixie Highway (old U.S. 31/now 31, 25, 29 and 421), another of Fisher's ideas, to get there. I had no problem pointing out Michigan Road era farms and landmarks along with Dixie Highway era gas stations, diners and motels. And what I couldn't answer, I just made up...which made me wish blogger Down the Road was along!
We had a good mix of folks from different parts of the country on the bus, including some Hoosiers. The out of staters had questions about corn, beans, barns and the origin of "Hoosier". They also asked why there were patches of woods in the fields...to which I said the question should be asked why there were fields in the woods. I thought that was clever.
Crown Point Cemetery gates...a tight squeeze
Not only did we dine at the old German Club, but we also circled Monument Circle, visited the Indianapolis Speedway (another Fisher idea), Crown Hill Cemetery/James Whitcomb Riley's tomb (we were also supposed to place a wreath at Fisher's grave, but time got away) and Marian College-soon to be university-where the mansions of Fisher, Frank Wheeler and James Allison (being the big three of the Indy Speedway) were all located prior to it becoming Marian.
Riley's grave...the highest point in Indy
I think I enjoyed the speedway most. This was my second time, but the first time was before you could take a trip around the tracks...way cool. And I enjoyed hearing about the Jens Jensen landscape design and restoration of the Allison estate. Man, I love Indy.
The folks on my bus were especially kind, rarely got out of control and I even got an invitation from the 2011 host of the LH conference for the family to attend in Lake Tahoe. That may be a possibility.....Route 66 out and the LH back.
Ending point: my favorite building in downtown South Bend
16 June 2009
growing old & letting go

This is already longer than I intended. But I wonder if looking into old faces doesn't turn a light on our own soul. I'll be writing more soon about letting go.
raising Cowbirds

12 June 2009
on Privatization
Seems like our new mayor felt it was priority #1 to get our trash collection privatized here in river city upon taking office. Of course he never mentioned this on the campaign trail, but since his mouth-piece and greasy city attorney needs to make a splash in this little pond....after realizing he's wasted or drank away most of his life, and more importantly the puppet-master and financier of his campaign felt so strongly about it....well, it looks like it is going to happen.
Now normally when republicans get the public pumped about privatization, usually it's because private companies can 1) do it cheaper and 2) provide better service. So if one or both of those factors can't be realized by privatization one would wonder why a republican administration would feel so strongly about it. Because the puppet-master feels so strongly about it...in fact, he is the only one in river city who has even mentioned this. And now, not only is our cost going to go up by more than 50% and our service is going to be cut by the same; this administration now has the gall to say that the private bid price per household isn't enough and that they'll charge an extra buck more a month just in case. Friends, does this sound more like LIBERALS? This is crazy....and what's worse is that the republican administration isn't even being challenged by the republican held council, save one....nor does it seem like this republican town cares.
So I don't get it. It's ok for me to have to pay above and beyond the cost of trash collection? How is that any different than the puppet-master feeling so adamant about not paying for something he doesn't use? It just goes to show....it really isn't about the public good, nor is it about pure conservative thought.....it is simply about an aging ideologue attorney with nothing to show for his life and a deranged politico hell-bent on saving a few bucks so that he can gamble it away in Vegas.
But the story doesn't end there.
Yesterday morning I spent a fair amount of time estimating a proposal for a project. Since I was a little new to this area of work I had a few questions, sent off a few emails...and then realized the cost for me to do it was going to be considerable. I called the client, just to be certain I understood the proposal correctly and he said he'd put my mind at ease, the other fellow from Ball State got the job.
Ball State.....Center for Historic Preservation. I knew that both he and I were asked to submit a proposal for the job. I assumed he was submitting it as a side job as a professor. I don't believe that's the case. Instead, Ball State has embarked on directly competing for jobs that its graduates...and folks like me.....would be vying for. To add insult to injury, I got a postcard in the mail today highlighting the services that Ball State's Center for Historic Preservation can offer....hmmm.....everything that I can.
Something seems wrong about competing for work against a state university that I'm supporting with my taxes. And it would seem that if that's the case I should be able to opt out of paying income taxes to the State of Indiana. So, why is the government getting into the private sector on one count, but when privatization actually costs the taxpayer more, they bid it out?
but who says government, or politics for that matter, is logical?
11 June 2009
a Wild night

I've already written about my stint as the superhero crime fighter "Tomahawk Kid" (I made up my own superhero); but I don't know if I've ever mentioned my wishing I was one of the Duke boys. Oh yes. In fact I used a cassette recorder to tape all of the shows, practically had them memorized, and fantasized about living on the Duke farm in Hazard County....and no, I was too young to appreciate Daisy in her short shorts.
09 June 2009
the Father, Son & Sugar Creek
My school was soooo small....

08 June 2009
Youth Sunday Challenge
So what will YOUR story be?
We DO all have a story to share, the question is how will you use your story to encourage others and how can God use you to reach others for Him? And since this is Youth Sunday…let’s talk about pouring our lives into our children and youth.
We know that in Titus we are instructed, as older men and women in the faith, to teach the younger men and women. As far as I can tell, every one of us is older than someone else out there…..and there are beginning to be more to the younger than older side to me. Unless I’m reading it wrong, it doesn’t say anything about having a “calling” to do this…..it just says DO IT! It’s a command!
Our children need to be surrounded by men and women of faith to encourage them. How many of you during baby dedications at our church over the last 10-15 years spoke the words “I WILL” when asked if you would commit to coming along beside parents in raising their kids?
You saw the mentor program highlighted this morning…..it is a phenomenal way to get involved in the lives of our youth…BUT SO is teaching, helping with VBS, and just making conversation in the foyer after church.
God may be raising up this generation to reach the world. Don’t sit on the sidelines and pray for revival fires if you’re not willing to fan the flame that is flickering in our kids! We’ve heard report after report of our kids leading their friends to Christ, right here, in our schools. What if THEY ARE THIS GENERATION God is calling?
I believe with all of my heart that recently our community was on the threshold of revival, and either we don’t have it together for God to use us or His timing isn’t right…maybe both. But it is clear to me that He CAN and IS using our kids to show His glory. And it may be that our kids will bring revival to our town. I believe God has greater things in store for our community, in store for our youth. DON’T YOU?
Before the worship team returns, we have a short video clip called “Greater Things” with images from youth group over the last year-some are pretty silly, along with images from the community. The clip is set to a song called “God of this City” whose origin has a pretty miraculous story. As you watch it, consider what your role is in encouraging our youth, and in seeing a move of God over this city.
Ode to a Truck
Wednesday, I took my travel companion on its last trip, from which it didn't come home with me. I took it for a drive the day before, to...
A way out in the country, down a secluded gravel road lies a small cemetery perched on a knoll, around which the road makes four severe turn...
So, I've passed through this tiny little Pulaski County town between San Pierre and Medaryville often enough that it's quite amaz...