Since Friday-the 20th-I have been a bachelor. The wife and kids flew off to Florida leaving dad/hubby behind for Spring Break. It was planned some time ago that I would be taking the youth group on a missions/service project that turned into a "local" trip. Very local. I figured I would be able to get a lot of work done....because I had a lot of work. I didn't.
This is what the temporary bachelor's life looked like:
About 25 hours of work
4 additional pounds-not the good kind
2 loads of laundry with sorta like colors
Dinner with my folks because mom felt sorry for me
Six pizzas...not all eaten by me
Supper out at 10:00pm
Lunch at 2:30pm
Chips-n-salsa, nearly every night
3 Woodchucks
1 bottle of soft red from Olivers of Bloomington
Uninterrupted listenings to Prairie Home Companion
About 15 hours of community service, volunteered
One cigar
12 movies with the guys
One rockin' concert
Exercise equipment left out
Birdwatchin with the Birdman
New jeans, shirts and protein shake mix
No reading, except for a new Mens Health
A chili dog
Staying up past midnight way too much
Wearing tank-tops almost exclusively
Carrying on a brief conversation with myself
3 coffees with buddies
A few hours of basketball
15 hot wings
Having more than 1/4 of the bed
I was most impressed with my movie intake: Max Payne, Never Back Down, Role Models (2x), Evolution, Black Sheep, Caddy Shack, Band of Brothers, the Mummy, Scorpion King, 300, and Hancock. While I had some good times, I'm awfully glad my wife and kids will be home in a few hours. I miss 'em, even though I've kept pretty "busy". I think I understand now why God decided it was not good for man to be alone. Adam had gone on too many pizza & movie binges.